Walk in the Footsteps of the Buddha (1)

Buddha Life Sites – Before Order Convention

12 January – 24 January 2025

Reserve your placeLearn more

Connect with the historical Buddha in the land he lived

This pilgrimage is for Triratna Order Members and mitras.

We will be visiting the main sites from the life story of the Buddha, connecting with his lived example of Enlightenment and the thousands of years of practice which has followed since.

“Each place had it's own kind of atmosphere. Enlightenment [Bodhgaya] had its own joyous, solemn atmosphere. Kushinagar, where the Buddha attained Parinirvana, had it's own very different atmosphere...”

– Arthapriya, previous pilgrim (Watch him talk about his 2022 pilgrimage here)


12th January: Leaving home country for Delhi

13th January: Arrival in Delhi and travel to Sarnath

14th January: Sarnath

15th January: Travel to Shravasti

16th January: Shravasti

17th January: Travel to Lumbini via Kapilavastu

18th January: Lumbini

19th January: Lumbini

20th January: Travel to Kushinagar

21st January: Kushinagar & Travel to Vaishali

22nd January: Vaishali & Travel to Bodhgaya

23rd January: Visiting Nalanda & Rajgir

24th January: Order Convention begins in Bodhgaya

Note: For Mitras, there will be volunteering opportunities at the Order Convention

Cost and Payment Timeline

The total cost will be 85,000 rupees (CER ~£795).


  1. Reserve your place as soon as you can – 5,000 rupees (CER ~£47)
  2. 1st September 2024: 32,000 rupees (CER ~£300)
  3. 1st January 2025: 48,000 rupees (CER ~£450)

Please note the £ amount are at Current Exchange Rate and subject to change. Once made, all payments are non-refundable in all circumstances.

Cost includes:

You will need to arrange and pay for your own travel to India and back home or wherever you are going next. You are also responsible for applying and paying for your own visa for coming into India and Nepal (Nepal visa needed for Buddha Life Sites tour only).

How to Book Your Place

Fill in this Google Form. Contained within are details of the bank account to send your first payment instalment. Once you've filled in the form and made the initial payment, your place is reserved. You must then make the following payments by the above dates.

Further Information

Once booked, more information will follow closer to the date, including information for people who've never been to India before. We will also have a Zoom call in December/January to prepare together and answer any questions about what to pack, etc.

Unsure? Want to ask something else before booking?

To ask any questions, please email boddhitours@gmail.com and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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Images from previous pilgrimages

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Reserve your place